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1952 Pee Dee Bridge

The following explanation from John DuBose says:

1952 - This is the bridge between Pee Dee No. 1 & Pee Dee No.2. The two girls are not identified. I used to get on the Railing & Walk across it every time, I walked to School, also caught many fish under it. It was the runoff from Davis Lake, about 100ft. to the right of it was a small store, I think it was called Capels Grocery, there was a small house on each side of the store. The one closest to the bridge, was lived in by a family named Hardy, on the other side of the store, a family named Goodell, lived there, the Mother was named Corrina, the Son's name was Jimmie and the Daughter was named Verli Jane. To the right of their house was Davis Lake Rd. Johnnie Gillis's Mattress Shop was across the rd. from their house. When you went into the front door of the store there was a Coke Machine. The Cokes were held by their necks, by flat bars of galvanized metal. To get one, you put in a nickel, slid the Coke to the end and lifted straight up. One other thing, across the street from the Pontiac Place, was a theater called The Little Theater. We also had one called The Richmond Theater. It was located on Main St., near Claude Maske Furn. Store.

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