1961 RHS Classmates Deceased
Even though I walk
through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will
fear no evil, for you are
with me; your rod and
your staff, they comfort
me......Psalm 23:4
I want to thank Cooper McLaurin and Luanne McDuffie for helping me put this memoriam page together.
Gail Armstrong - Shine likes the boys...Says, Way to go!...Short blond hair...Fun to know.
Donnie Atkinson - Friendly, sincere, Does his best, Takes time out For a bit of jest.
Lydia Baucom Riggans - A dark-haired beauty Who never shirks duty. A nature that's kind And a thoughtful mind.
Frances Blake - A tall brunette, Nice to know, Frances is always On the go.
Duran (Randy) Boling - He's off with a gun For field or wood, Has as many friends As anyone could.
Jim Dabbs - Twice as good-looking, We all agree, As most boys ever Hope to be.
Phil Dawkins - That drum majorette's Got him running around; When he's on his bus "It's shut up and sit down!"
Brenda Fields Mishoe - Her nature's warm, And kind and good; She'd make you laugh If anyone could.
Jim Gibbs - Now here's a man With a merry grin. "May I bring Your groceries in?
Larry Goodman - No photo.
Otis Goodman - Into his books He gets so deep That's it there He often falls asleep.
Patricia (Patsy) Goodwin Swink - You'll always notice Her smiling face.There's no one who Can take her place.
Ann Lennox Gore - Keeps traffic moving...Wears a big grin...A bridge-playing, beach-loving Friend to the end.
Betsy Haines - Innocent, lovable, Lady-like ways, She'll do her duty All her days.
Harriet Haywood - A mind to think, A heart to love, And at the piano, Heavens above!
Mike Key - Sense of humor, Friend to all, As for school, It's a ball!
Nicki Leak - She's full of wit, And devilish fun, "Look out world, Here I come!"
Zachary Long - Words can't describe, A picture won't show, To understand him, You just have to know.
John Hamer - Courteous, gentile, Manner debonair, He has a certain "Savoir faire".
Nick Lovin - A steady boy With a goal in view, Willing to work And see it through.
Evander Lynch - Stalwart and study In choral productions, We're always helped By his brilliant deductions.
Joe Maske - Mischief-wise, He likes a blast. That car he drives Goes mighty fast.
Lynn McAuley Roberts - This quite, Winsom, little lass Plays boys' parts In dramatics class.
Dianne Monroe - Has her fingers, In every pie, Poised and pretty, Catches your eye.
Mitchell Moore - Intelligent, dependable, Has get-up and go, C'est trey bon From head to toe.
Sara Morse- Pretty clothes, Pretty car, On the dance floor, Way above par.
Ann Munn - Full of laughter, Full of pep, Never quiet - That's her rep!
Betty Norton Stevenson - She's a lass With a gentle way, Calm and cool From day to day.
Silas Quick - Fine as wine, Twice as strong, And with all He gets along.
Bill Saunders - Calm, nonchalant, Music's his line; All the fellows Like him fine.
Mary Charles Sellers Ledbetter - Tops in citizenship, Willing, sedate, Solid virtues Always rate.
Gwen Sheppard Garner - Solemn, serious Library worker, Republican party's Ardent supporter.
Joyce Smith Barnes - Stately and tall, A friend to all, Blond and tall With beautiful hair.
Virginia Sweatt Weaber - Tiny miss, Heart of gold, She's your friend Till the sun grows cold.
J L Taylor - Smart and sincere, Wears a smile, His courteous manner Is always in style.
Diane Terry Sena - Always grinning, Always sweet, With her bells She keeps the beat.
Ron Tuthill - A football hero, And baseball too, Is there anything, This boy can't do?
Vance Wrape - Wavy black hair, A hard working boy, His considerate manner Is a constant joy.