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1965  RHS Classmates Deceased

Even though I walk
through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will
fear no evil, for you are
with me; your rod and
your staff, they comfort
.Psalm 23:4


Jerry Avant - There'll be no theme-writing in Heaven


Sara Benoist Chabot - silence is the most perfect herald of joy.

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George Blalock - Let the wide world wiggle; I've got it by the tail.

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Martha Bostick Howler - If the world should end tomorrow, let me die laughing.

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Ronald Brown - An athlete is a man not strong enough for work.


LW Carnes - A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.

Joe Cash - Why should life all labor be?


Jerry Carroll - Tickle Earth with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest,.

Alton Collins




Betty Jo Currie - The tongue no man can tame.




Keith "Kebo" Davis - Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs.




Garland Dycus - True wit comes naturally.

Vernon Dyson - Hasten slowly.

​​Rodney Flynt - Politeness goes far and costs nothing.

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Anne Greene Letchworth - Example is more effective than advice.

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Carol Ann Folsom - Kindness gives birth to kindness.


Rodney Hamilton - A wise man does not trust all his eggs to one basket.

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Anna Ruth Hammond - It is better to be small and shine than to be large and cast a shadow.

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Anne Hiott McLaurin - Sensible people find nothing useless.

Claudia Hicks Snead - A quiet conscience makes one so serene.

Andrea Jenkins Pickett - She that brings sunshine into the hearts of others cannot keep it from herself.




Michael Johnson - Honor lies in honest toil.




Robert Johnson - Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.




Steve Kammiem - It is better to be happy than wise.

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Jimmy Lampley - There is no wisdom like frankness.


Carol Nantz Lancaster - Pretty to walk with, and witty to talk with, and pleasant too to think on.




Neal Lee - The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool.


Wesley Long - adversity introduces a man to himself.

Richard Lunceford - He that mischief hatcheth mischief catcheth.




Barbara Mauldin - Good was her health, but better was her heart.




Jimmy McDonald - A man he seems of cheerful days and confident tomorrows.




Mickey McIntosh - Sportsmanship shows in all that he does.




Sammy Moss - No man can be a patriot on an empty stomach.




Mike Parker - He signed to many but he loved but one.




Linda Payne Hatter - A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.

Jerry Pegram - Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile.




Mike Perry – The night shall be filled with music.

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Harry Pence - Apologize to lay the foundation for future offense.

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Hector Phifer - Never do today what you can do tomorrow.




Worth Pryce - To me a change of trouble is a vacation.

Pat Puckett Fain - On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined.

Tommy Sanders - Labor conquers all things.

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Carroll Reynolds Edwards - There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.

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Nancy Paulette Simmons Webb - The only way to have a friend is to be a friend.


Buddy Smith - Did nothing in particular - and did it very well.

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Perrin Singletary Fields - Her voice is the music of a summer bird.




Linda Smith Parker - A good laugh is sunshine in a house.

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​Johnny Spivey - He's every other inch a gentleman.


Larry Stewart - All mankind loves a lover.




A D Thornton - Anytime you don't want anything you get it.




Frank Wallace - I have often regretted my speech, never my silence.




Laura Warner - Her heart it was blithe as birds on a tree.




Mary Warner Slades - Her crown is in her heart, not on her head.




Billy Welch - Good humor makes all things tolerable.




Von West - Life is a jest, and all things show it. I thought so once and now I know it.




Donna Long Williams - Good humor is goodness and wisdom combined.

Patricia Williams Hatcher - There is something soothing in her quietness.

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Ludolph Glenn Fox Williams - His personality catches many eyes. 




Ronnie "Frog" L. Wright - "The frog he would a'wooing go".

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