1967 RHS Classmates Deceased
Even though I walk
through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will
fear no evil, for you are
with me; your rod and
your staff, they comfort
me......Psalm 23:4
David Arner - Big Dave...mechanical minded...tough Ford.
Tony Braddock - Prodigal Son...polite...expressive...courting.
Sue Campbell - Mrs...quiet...peaches and cream complexion...nice to know.
John Choplin - Red Jeep...ski sweaters...quiet...Trudys betrothed.
Sammy Covington - Little Egypt....frustrated photographer....fabulous....Sure - everyday!
Joe Danko - High Spot....athletic....Mr. Modesty....good-natured.
Lorraine Dunn Spencer - "Lo-raine"...sharp dresser...reserved...pretty.
Claudia Flynt - "Flyntstone" ...loves basketball...future teacher...Millstone fan.
Judy Gibson - Cute...infectious enthusiasm...always laughing..."I'm telling ya|"
Ruth Davis Goodson - Cheerful...cute...future teacher...Roof.
Marie Currie Fulp - Talkative...helpful...JoAnns buddy.
Darrell Garber - Diligent...mechanics-minded...enjoys debating.
Bill Futterer - Futner...Tarheel...reticent...the Golden Hour.
Corey Gibbon - "Yank"...Cordovan...speed demon...fairgrounds fan.
William Gore - Willy....Hamlet fan....the rub....Naw, you?
Mollie Henry Baggett - The Pizza Kid...music expert...always an extra mile...The greatest!
Linda Grant - Pianist...homemaker...cheerful...cashbox proprietress.
Paul Hoffman - Tall and dark...cradle robber...nice smile.
Carl James - Flattop....The Wild Angels....Bridgestone fan.
Lavonne Kelly Beafield - "Fred"...outgoing....loads of fun..."My mama buys me Avon toothpaste!
Ray King - Razor...efficient...good sport...everybody's pal.
Phil Knight - Fil...inhales Polywogs...Tams fan...always singing.
Gerald Lear - Neanderthal...unique...friendly...Talk To Me...Mrs. Mulkey and I get along fine!
Katherine Lee - Bug's friend....trips to West End....Bucky's gal....that red Ford.
Henry Littleton - Artistic...mad saxophonist...Parker's secret patron...Johnny's pal.
John Lookabaugh - "Honeybun"...tenor...Mrs. Woods friend...a lot of fun.
Jim Maples - Jimbo-right...bashful tenor...playboy...devilish.
Bobby Marshall - Squirt...friendly...ex-Charlottean...no one nicer.
Wayne McDonald - Paco...talkative...Spanish whiz.
Larry McInnis - Maga Daga...man of few words ...husky ...Big Bruiser.
Danny McNeil - A classmate that is missed.
Jim Parsons - Dr. Einstein...Parsie...friendly..."Do You Know What She's Talking About?"
Micky Phillips - Giggler...Shangri-la fan...Hamlet, Hamlet, Hamlet.
Susan Womack Plyler - A former classmate that will be missed.
Jennie Pittman Sikes - V.I.P....out-spoken...13...Deuce...one of the tribe.
Hardee Patricia Patty Rushing - Carol's buddy...pretty and neat...black Ford.
Linda Rhodes - Bottled blonde...loves green...Roberdelian...up earrings.
Barry Sellars - Cute...always out of step..."But Mrs Wood---I am singing!"
Brenda Sheppard - Perky...cropped hair...Virginia bound?...Did you bring your car?
Harry Sellars - Witty...Coach Kralls buddy...remember his economics exam?...Good morning, good morning...
Susan Shores Atkins - Sandy...leadfoot...loves dramatics...ponytails.
David Curtis Smith - Doof....four-year art student....what is A.D.?....everybody's buddy....that laugh!
Randy Snead - A childhood friend that will be missed.
Susan Snipes Teal - State bound...50% of a red VW...ice crean guardian.
Donnie Stirk - Reverend....sharp dresser....VW....very neat.
Grant Thorpe - Grunt....good-natured....hard working....Mr. Snoddy and I
Wayne Thornton - Bashful...blushes...Ray's cousin...Karen.
Lee Warner - The great stone face...little man...track star...""Shoes, anyone?"
Sandra Watson Bailey - Tiny...starry-eyes...Jo'el's girl...a mean floor shift.
Tom Wood - Whoos-it...characteristic daze...Bang-bang...Well, I, uh.