1968 RHS Classmates Deceased
Even though I walk
through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will
fear no evil, for you are
with me; your rod and
your staff, they comfort
me......Psalm 23:4
Cathie Aleise Ackerman - Parties...Coachman...Red Kadette...nightowl.
John Thomas Baldwin - Tuck...Plymouth Man...Freckles...marathon pool game.
Anna Frances Baucom Gordon - Babbling brook...sugar and spice...attractive coiffures.
John Older Brothers - I feel good...artistic...JB...brawny
John Wesley Covington - Wes...Dook fan...Say what...optimistic outlook...well dressed.
Robert Murphy Comer - Easy-going...dependable...everybody's friend...ties on Fridays?
Ronnie Carol Davis - Ronnie...gentleman...Al-pine...amiable.
William Michael Dawkins - Mike...nine below...97 sideline and go...ladies' man...quiet classroom sleeper.
Magaret Elizabeth "Bootsie" Diggs Coble - "Bootsie"...sweet as pie..."I can't help it!"...sharp.
Yvonne Dunn Gibson - gone but not forgotten.
Raymond Gaddy - A serious and loyal friend that will be remembered
Diane Gathings - missed but not forgotten.
Jerry Wayne Hollingsworth - Hogman...persistent...Mr. Stogner's buddy...friendly disposition.
Kenneth Eugene Johnson - The Bridgestone Kid...Coach Krall's 440 man...cooperative.
Gail Yvonne Hudson Norton - Lloyd...lots of fun...Mr. Langley's girl-Friday...attractive dresser...cracker.
Ronald Keith James - Harley Davis fan...grins...Jesse James...Who hid my goggles?
Fred Lavonne Kelly - Slamming Freddie ...statistician...sharp...lent dodger.
James Cornelius Martin - Neil...future farmer...history
Janice Faye Kelly Hunsucker - Interested in others...shiny hair...effervescent...in love.
Mary Kathryn McLamb - Capable...keen...quiet and sincere...determination.
Charles Conly Newton, Jr - Red racing stripes...heavy-weight...no time to lose...agreeable.
Clyde Thomas Pryce - Tommy...Mustang fastback...mischievous...have another...loves a good time.
Elizabeth McRae Reynolds - Very talented...Daisy Mae...energetic...sentimental...our best.
Olivia Carol Snead - Expressive eyes ... continental look... serene... poised.
Jennie Ruth Singletary - Mischevious...brown eyes...slender...forthright.
Ronald Don Souther - Wistful eyes...wild ties...serious look...Rockin' Ronnie.
Cynthia Dianne Stewart Bailey - Rebel fan...tinkling laugh...loudly loquacious...understanding.
Larry Wayne Talley - Accident prone...history scholar...early morning rendezvous.
Jennie Lynn Terry - East Rockingham...realist...petite...unobstrusive.
Louis Gaston Tincher - Louie, life saver...leader of the band...nice to know.
Billy Wayne Wilkerson - Baby-blue convertible...pleasant and co-operative...Bitty-Brain...chug-a-lug.
Jimmy Kenneth Wright - Little boy...Linda...love struck...well liked.
Robert Gary Wright - Mannerly...hard working...humble...giant economy size.