1962 RHS Classmates Deceased
Even though I walk
through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will
fear no evil, for you are
with me; your rod and
your staff, they comfort
me......Psalm 23:4
This list was graciously provided by Beverly E. Goodman.
Suzanne Adams
Bob Allen
Dennis Beck
Robert "Bobby" Bowles
Duffie Bozeman
Virginia "Ginny" Bratton Moore
Gayle Brigman Freeman
Gail Bullard
Paul Capel
Lucinda Covington Epperson
Leonard Edwards
Doug Forrest
Patricia Gibbon
Dianne Gordon
Lawrence Green
Freddie Harrison
Jayne Helms Bennett
Paul Hinson
Jack Holland
Rebecca "Becky" Kennedy Knight
Marshall Lancaster
Mary Ellen Lassiter
Archie Benton “AB” Maner
Patricia "Pat" Long McDonald
Ronald "Ronnie" McDonald
Brantley Maness
Dick Monroe
Richard Morse
Wayne Moss
Barbara Page Raynor
Vicki Phifer Williams
William Player
John Rush
Donald Sanford
Downie Sanford
Ted Sellers
James Shankle
Betsy Shores Montgomery
Maxine Skreen Thomas
Scott Thomas
Duke Underwood
Ronnie Venable
Ronnie Yates