Ode to Billy Joe
written by John Kelly
One morning when I was in the second grade at Pee Dee school, our teacher, Miss Green, announced that we had a new student in the class.
From the very start it was obvious there were a few things different about Billy Joe. The first thing was that he was at least a head taller than anyone else in the class. This by itself was a potential problem for the pecking order that had been established by me and a few other boys in the class.
Another difference was that he never played baseball or football during recess like the other boys did. Now understand that wouldn't be a problem if you were one of the accepted sissies in our class. We always just left them to play with the girls as long as they just stuck to their straight A report cards and left the rest of us alone.
But Billy Joe was no sissy. He was tough and we learned very quickly to give him a wide berth because when you tangled with him he played for keeps. He had no problem with picking up whatever was handy and cold cocking you with it. He just didn't seem to think beyond the next 5 seconds about anything. If he got you around the neck he would squeeze you until you almost lost conscience. Another thing we learned quickly was this. During lunch period in the cafeteria you better make sure you got the mustard bowl before Billy Joe because he would invariably lick the spoon when he was finished with it.
But by far the biggest problem with Billy Joe was his absolute lack of discipline. He had no respect for any kind of authority. He just didn't hear anything or anyone that he didn't want to, including Miss Green. Well this all came to a head one day when Miss Green had to confront him about writing on the walls, for the 50th time I might add. He just would get up and run from her, which to us normal kids was unheard of. It happened so often it became routine and this day wasn't any different. The class would be in uproarious laughter watching Miss Green and her 250 + pounds bouncing in every direction chasing Billy Joe up and down the isles and around her desk, pausing every few minutes to change directions and then the chase was on again. Well this day Miss Green had finally had enough and so finally gave up and walked out of the class room, puffing and blowing from exhaustion.
Now Billy Joe just crouched and watched suspiciously, occasionally running to the window and peering out. Now Miss Green's class was unique in that it had two exit doors on the left side of the class. People who attended Pee Dee may remember this feature. Miss Green suddenly appeared at one of these doors and to the horror of the class, the most feared person in the entire school appeared in the other door, the principal, "Mr Mack". That was his nick name but his real name was Mr McIntosh. I have to say now that I'm an adult, this was a man that I have grown to have much respect for because of all he gave of himself for that little school.
When it was obvious that Billy Joe was not going to surrender, the chase was on again but now there were three running up and down the rows of desks. To us kids this was really big stuff. Several times they almost had him cornered but somehow he managed to scramble away. They finally did catch him but not without a price. Billy Joe started kicking and biting, all the while making a shrill animal noise. He managed to get hold of Mr Mack's tie almost strangling him. He was actually swinging on it. By now Mr Mack's appearance was a mess. He was dripping with sweat, his shirt tail was out and his face was red from lack of oxygen because Billy Joe had synced up his tie to where his neck was about 1/3 its normal size. When they finally got Billy Joe neutralized, both of them drug him across the room with both feet sliding as if he was on skis. They finally got him out the door and down the hall.
We never saw Billy Joe again after that day. Where he wound up, we never knew and quiet frankly,we didn't care. One would have to assume that our class was not the first and surely wouldn't be the last to witness, "The Billy Joe Shuffle!"