The moon has waxed and waned since time immemorial,
And will continue as long as there is a world and a moon.
My life, too, has waxed and waned these 88 years.
No more waxing for me, however, only a gradual and gentle
No more mountains for me to climb;
Climbing was tedious and slow, the descent was rapid.
The view from the top was far and broad, and beautiful.
I wish I could have stayed up there longer;
But the view in the valley is beautiful also and close,
yet I can still see the landscape and feel a light breeze,
So close that I can hear the birds sing, smell the flowers,
and almost taste the nectar.
The valley trail is smooth, with a few bumps along the way;
Bumps to prevent me from drifting off into dreams.
Dreams are good for inspiration, but we must live by reality
and cease by the stern rule of mortality. So mote it be!
How long this trail I am on is, I do not know, nor how winding;
But I shall not get lost as I have friends, to guide me and
help me over the bumps.
I realize you cannot walk it for me--
"I gotta walk that lonesome valley, I gotta walk it by myself."
I am helped by having friends; and I am content.
And when you come to this turn in your life may you find
"Peace in the Valley for You."